The three best players in Madden history
George Amadeo
Apr 13, 2024
3. Eric Dickerson
The Rams legend Eric Dickerson comes in at the number 3 spot. What makes Eric Dickerson such a staple in Madden, is his dynamic and unique blend of height with speed and acceleration. Usually in Madden, most of the taller running backs tend to feel stiff and hard to maneuver, as well as easy to tackle in the open field. Dickerson routinely gives you the power that a running back his height (6 '3) would have, as well as the swiftness that a running back like Barry Sanders would have. Dickerson has been a game-breaking running back yearly in the Madden franchise, and everyone who has played Madden Ultimate Team can attest to his dominance, with one of the most legendary stiff arms in Madden that leaves defenders in its wake.

NFL and Madden legend Eric Dickerson
2. Michael Vick
There was no doubt that Michael Vick would be on the list, the only question is how high he would be. Many would have Vick at the number 1 spot, and for good reason. Michael Vick has the spot for the most dominant player in any Madden ever, with the legends of how overpowered Michael Vick was in Madden 04 still told to this day. It's hard to quantify what that Madden 04 game meant to the Madden franchise, and what Michael Vick means to the Madden franchise. To put it bluntly, Madden as we know it today would not exist without Michael Vick. To truly understand just how good Vick was however you have to see it, watch this video of Michael Vick in Madden 04 to understand why he's a Madden legend. The only reason why he's not number 1 on the list, is simply because the last editions of Madden have done such a poor job of capturing the magic that Vick has set the standard for himself, and because the player we have in the number 1 spot, has been so dominant in every Madden, across multiple positions.

NFL and Madden legend Michael Vick
1. Bo Jackson
The iconic two-sport athlete and multi-position athlete in Madden comes in at the number 1 spot. Madden has started the tradition of releasing Bo Jackson during their Christmas promotion and for good reason as when he was released, he has been the best player in Madden for multiple consecutive Maddens now, and not just at running back. You can use Bo Jackson currently at pretty much every position including, quarterback, tight end, linebacker, and safety. Why we gave Bo Jackson the number 1 spot because he's one of those cards that will change the meta of the game every year when he releases, Madden Ultimate Team before Bo Jackson and after Bo Jackson releases are two completely different games, as Bo Jackson is often both impossible to tackle and faster than every other player besides maybe Tyreek Hill. The multi-position Swiss army knife is our best player in Madden history.

Bo Jackson
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